Sunday, April 6, 2008

A description of Okinawa

An ancient kingdom of glittering seas, lush green islands, and fields of sugarcane, Okinawa enjoys a measured pace of life that's far removed from any hectic city routine. A sub-tropical climate keeps Okinawa pleasantly warm even when the rest of Japan is shivering, and in the scorching summer months it is a kaleidoscope of brilliant flowers, dazzling white beaches and stunning coral, making the islands perfect for diving, water-skiing, sailing and every other form of ocean recreation. Okinawa also has a proud artistic and musical tradition, and is home to many unusual and beautiful species of flora and fauna.

I found this description at a website devoted to sharing the Okinawan experience with the world, much like my blog intends to do :)

Friday, April 4, 2008

Guess What! We're sending you to Okinawa, Japan!

It was April 1st 2008, on April Fools Day, when we first learned that we are going to be moving 6000+ miles across the ocean to live in Okinawa, Japan for three years. Only those who have been there can imagine the vast range of emotions that suddenly hit you the minute you hear this kind of news. At first you go into a state of shock, wondering what on earth are you going to do 6000 miles away from home and all your loved ones, on a foreign island where you don't know the culture, the language, or even how to drive on the left side of the road! Soon enough it starts to sink in how incredibly amazing it will be to explore a gloriously new part of this world that suddenly seems smaller, and plunge into a whole new way of living. Of course it is definitely quite terrifying and heartbreaking to imagine being so faraway from home, and family and friends that we will miss so very dearly...but we are staying strong and focusing only on the positives. This blog will take you through the ups, downs, and upsidedowns of the adventures of moving across the world, and hopefully succeed in portraying through journaling, photos and videos what it's like to live on the beautiful island of Okinawa, Japan for three years.

-Jason and Amy-