Saturday, August 9, 2008

Posts on the way!

Well..getting somewhere! But, I still have a lot to catch up on!

A night out at Jusco again
Araha Beach 2nd trip
Celebrating our Second Anniversary at Naha City:
(Kokusai Dori Market, and dinner at Sam's Maui)

Sunset photos from base

I am mezmerized by the skies here in Okinawa, whether it's that early morning royal purple cast, a clear midday filled with fluffy while clouds, or a stunning sunset! These are just some random photos I've taken during our frequent walks (due to having no car lol) during sundown. I hope to get some photos from other times of day soon, because the sky here really is special :o)

Tut tut looks like rain! Grrr I really should have taken this in landscape...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Okinawa Highlights Tour

On July 22nd, a couple of my friends and I went on a Okinawa Highlight Tours operated by the Marine Corps Community Services (MCCS). The tour took us by bus to see a few of the historical highlights of southern Okinawa including Yomitan Village Museum of History and Folklore, Zakimi Castle Ruins Park (where that giant spider is from. I know you're all thinking "she's scared to death of spiders" well I am, but this one was very far away! :p ), Cape Zampa Light House (breathtaking beauty), the Ruyuku Glass Factory (amazing to see how they blow glass and the end results!), and Peace Memorial Park. We also stopped at Jusco for lunch. It was a great day, and an awesome chance to learn a little history of Okinawa!

Enjoy the pics!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Jusco Mall

Jusco is our one and only mall here in Ginowan City. While all three floors have shops, the main thing the first floor has is a really nice spread out market place, filled with everything from fresh produce, to rows upon rows of little munchies like pocky and the ever-popular bene-imo (sweetpotato) goodies, and anything else you can think of! On the second floor, you will find a couple nice restaurants (one of them is in our photos below), a delicious food court with lots of choices for authentic Japanese food, as well as a McDonalds lol! There is also a huge arcade on the second floor, which is probably the most colorful place I've ever seen in my life! You walk in and you're just stunned by the bright colors, but in a good way hehe! The third floor of Jusco consists of plenty more shops, which feel like they go for miles! Jusco is great fun, and the best part is it's also close to base! :-D

Below are pictures from the evening of July 18th