Friday, October 3, 2008

Posts on the way!

I hope you enjoy all the new pics below! (UPDATED October 4th 11:30am) I'm slowly but surely getting up to date here :o)

What's to come soon?

*Jason's trip to Tokyo (from Sep 1)
*More around base, Jusco novelty shop (from Sep 21)
*Ocean Expo Park and Churaumi Aqaurium (from Sep 27)

Okinawan Sunrise

August 30th 2008 6:14am

I was up early enough to catch the beautiful sunrise last month! I am not too pleased with all the poles and wires in the way, but there is nothing I could do about it. You can still see how stunning the sunrise is! I hope you enjoy them :l)

Lunch at Four Seasons, and Mihama American Village

August 16th 2008

We heard about Four Seasons from quite a few of our new friends here, and decided to try it out for ourselves one day for lunch! Ahhh Four Seasons...considered by many to be one of the best places to eat on the island, and now we know why! (We still love our Sam's Maui though ;o) ) Four Seasons is one of the many Teppanyaki restaurants here on the island. Here is a little excerpt about teppanyaki from Japan Update.

"Dining at a teppanyaki restaurant is like going to a comedy club and being served by the performer. For those of you who have never eaten at a teppanyaki restaurant, this style of cuisine consists of a Western-style dish of cubed steak or seafood, bread or rice, some vegetables and a cup of coffee or tea. What makes these restaurants memorable is that each group of people at a table has their own chef, who puts on an often-humorous performance of slicing vegetables, juggling salt and peppershakers, and telling jokes. Even if you can't speak Japanese, the humor is easily understood. Teppanyaki restaurants are quite popular with both foreigners and locals alike.

That just about covers it! It was delicious and we had a wonderful time :o)

Just a short walk from Four Seasons, Mihama American Village was built to be a "taste of home" for the US military and their families stationed in Okinawa. It is filled with entertainment, food and fun! The ferris wheel (resting on top of a building unusually enough) is beautiful, as it lights up in many different colors and patterns. I could sit and watch it all night! We have no plans to ride it anytime soon though, as it is a 30 minute ride, and I can just see myself being terrified and having to wait 30 minutes for it to be over, lol! There is also a starbucks in American Village, as well as a multiplex movie theater and arcade! At nighttime, there are usually performers out on the main square. We stopped to enjoy a young and very talented band one night. Japanese music is beautiful! It almost seems instrumental when you don't speak the language, their voices just like another instrument :o)

I have a few photos the restaurant and our evening, but unfortunately not very many! The first ferris wheel photo would normally be discarded as the humidity found its way onto my lens, eek!...but I kept it to show everyone just how humid it is here!!! The last photo is of a little Fruit Bat that happened to be in the same folder as the rest of these. I know many people find bats scary, but I think he is just the most darling little thing! Okay...just a TINY bit scary perhaps :-P