Saturday, August 9, 2008

Posts on the way!

Well..getting somewhere! But, I still have a lot to catch up on!

A night out at Jusco again
Araha Beach 2nd trip
Celebrating our Second Anniversary at Naha City:
(Kokusai Dori Market, and dinner at Sam's Maui)


... said...

Hello there-
My husband and I just found out we are going to be stationed in Okinawa (Futenma) sometime in December and I found your blog as I was 'googleing.' Just wanted to let you know we appreciate all you've done in your blog! All the pictures really help us get an idea of where we are headed- we are so excited to head out there!

Jason and Amy said...

Hi there Melissa!

Wow I'm so glad my blog could help someone else out that is in the same situation as I was in a few months ago. I really wanted to get a good idea of what Okinawa would be like while I was still living in America, but I couldn't find anything very detailed! I'm really excited to hear my blog is helpful in that way! :)

Okinawa is wonderful! I have very few complaints, and we've been here a whole month now :) I think you are going to love it!
