Sunday, September 28, 2008

Hibiscus in the rain

August 7th 2008

I won't normally be sharing straight photography on this blog, as it is meant to document our experiences here in Okinawa which are mostly taken with quickly capturing any and all memories in mind, rather than getting that perfect manual shot. (I have a separate blog as my creative outlet that I haven't updated in months)...but I just adore these shots of the hibiscus flowers out in the front of our house. I had a great opportunity to photograph them because it was raining off and on continuously, and I waited for the rain to create the pretty droplets I wanted, and then 2 minutes later as it dried up, I could go out and shoot the photo without worrying about my camera getting wet. Perfect huh? :o) These are still not with manual mode, I used the auto macro setting. They are also my first photos taken with a brand new camera, the Canon Rebel XSI (which is AMAZING and I highly recommend it) but I have since returned that camera, and am waiting patiently for a Canon 50D this winter.

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