Thursday, July 17, 2008

Flight to Seattle- July 8th 2008

The flight to Seattle was quick and painless. Ever since I developed a sudden fear-of-flying as an adult, I've had to teach myself to deal with the inevitable in various ways. What seems to work best for me is humming or singing to myself at take-off and landing, it takes my mind off my fears. Hey...whatever works!

We landed in Seattle and I noticed immediately there are trees EVERYWHERE! This was really neat compared to San Diegos definite lack of greenliness. :-P The temperature was absolutely perfect, mid-70's/partly cloudy. The hotel was beautiful, and even had a sleep number bed! We were very pleased with everything....

EXCEPT our flight the next morning getting DELAYED! :o( Everyone was all set to check-in and board the flight for Japan, when we heard the flight had been delayed 24 hours. We were really disappointed and so ready to get the flight to Japan over with (especially me), but we knew we had to make the best of it. So begins our Seattle Adventure!

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