Thursday, July 17, 2008

Two very long flights Okinawa- July 10th-11th

The most interesting thing about the flights to Okinawa is simply that the second flight (which was 7 hours shorter than the first) seemed much, much longer and more agonizing to us. By then we were so OVER the whole airplane thing and just ready to see our new home for three years. We spent this entire 3-hour flight groggy but awake, and listening to the deafening screams of a toddler behind us. :-P

The 10 hour flight to mainland Japan was actually pretty fun. They played some movies, we played some of our own games, and...SLEPT a lot! We each took 2 benadryl after they served the first meal, and we were out for a good 5 hours. After that we only had 4 hours to go, so we watched the movie "The Great Debaters" and part of some other movie I never caught the name of, and played our own game of "Cloodle" from Cranium. One more meal was served, and it felt so weird to be eating breakfast in what felt like the middle of the day, but it was part of them trying to get us on schedule. Which you will surely see in future posts, didn't work lol

Overall, it wasn't too bad. I mean...added all up it's a 16 hour flight from San Diego to Okinawa, and we survied it :-D

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Dear Amy and Jason:
Thank you. Thank you. Fast forward to June 30, 2009. Our son David, wife Julie and three boys just left Seattle about 4 hours ago. They also will be in OKA for 3 years. This blog is beautiful; helped us soooo much to look ahead to how they will find life in OKA.
You worked very hard on your blog, and we appreciate it.
Best regards,
Bob and Nancy Leppelmeier
Tulsa, OK