Saturday, September 27, 2008

Another night out at Jusco Mall!

We had another fun-filled night out at Jusco on August 2nd! I actually do still remember some details even though it's now September 27th as I'm finally getting around to blogging this. :-P

We started out with a delicious dinner at our usual. I really wish I could give this place a name, but it's all in Kanjii, so what can ya do! We'll just call it the..."Super yummy Okinawa Soba, terriyaki chicken, mixed tempura place"! ;o)

As always, Jason and I love to look at the toys! On this particular night we were fascinated with all the "food toys". We saw a children's sushi roller, and a little McDonalds playset where you could actually make tiny burgers and fries, and this positively DARLING little sandwich set where you could make these itty bitty sandwiches, and all kinds of really interesting things! The boxes are so colorful and eye-catching, it makes you want every single one! At least it does for me, since I LOVE color <3 We had a lot of fun just being kids at heart and being silly, Jusco brings that out in us every time!

We got our dessert at "Mister Donut" inside the mall, and brought all our donuts home! I wish I could say they were scrumptious, but they were simply..."pretty good" They certainly don't have Dunkin Donuts or Krispy Creme beat! We still really enjoyed them though :) My favorite Mister Donut is the strawberry one!

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