Saturday, September 27, 2008

A lovely evening down in Araha Beach!

Ahhhh it was a beautiful evening on August 3rd, the night before our second anniversary! I was desperately craving a good burger, so Jason and I took the advice of a friend of mine who spent a few months on the island last year and tried the tiny little burger hut down in Araha Beach. It was called Seaside Jet City! This place was as cute as can be, as you will see in the photos! Oh my, was it ever HOT though! Understandably they had no A/C in the hut, and it was at least 90F with the usual 80% humidty...We did our best to enjoy ourselves though <3 We both tried the guacamole burgers, which came with french fries and a french toast stick. Silly Jason ordered me a coca cola though, ew! They were delicious, but seemed so small to our American, Red-Robin lovin' tummies! After our delicious meal, we walked along the beach, checked out some shops...including one called AMY! :-D (in the photo of me standing in front of "my" shop, I am pointing to myself the way the Japanese point to themselves, by touching their noses!) We found a little ice cream hut nearby and for dessert we each got a scoop of vanilla ice cream that melted all over the place instantly! Hey, that's life in Oki :-P The sunset was so very beautiful, and there's no feeling like soft, white sand between your toes. :) Though the tiny pieces of seashells are very sharp!

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